From HACCP facilities to smart farms,
it is an industrial product suitable for a wide range of indoor hygiene environments.
The product was developed
as a Ministry of Environment’s support project
for commercialization
of small and medium-sized environmental enterprises.
Utilizing IoT sensors, collect integrated bioaerosol indices predicting harmful substances such as fine dust,
CO2, VOCs, as well as suspended microbes and food poisoning indices in the air, on a daily, weekly,
monthly and yearly basis, and manage environmental and hygiene conditions.
Achieve unmanned operation of quarantine products with BT-300P150S,
allowing you to check data anytime, anywhere and maintain a clean indoor environment.
Eradicate not only cockroaches
and ants but also all pests
that are not exterminated by poison baits.
Not only air sterilization,
but also surface sterilization
removes unpleasant odors.
Ultrasonic pest control vaporization technology
A technology that uses continuous multiple ultrasonic waves
to vaporize disinfectants(pesticides) into ultrafine particles
lighter than air, preventing residue on food, objects, etc.
Continuous multi-ultrasonication: Vaporization of pesticides into
ultrafine particles lighter than air (0.1 ~ 0.3μm).
Sterilizing bubble water generation technology
A technology that utilizes a pressurized flow-through
emission (siphon) agitating electrode module to generate
real-time sterilized water (HOCL, OH-) through electrolysis
of saline water, and spray it in a misty humidification state.
Pressurized flow-through emission (siphon) agitating electrode module:
Hypochlorous acid humidification spray (0.1~03μm)
A simple indicator design with a status indicator that allows
you to easily see the bio aerosol index,
air quality hazardous gas index, and intuitive usage instructions.
- Air residue (air conditioner ventilation for 30 minutes) :
No pesticide (deltamethrin) detected
- ir residue (natural ventilation for 60 minutes) :
No pesticide (deltamethrin) detected
- In-flight air residue test :
Not detected
(Korea Functional Food Institute)
- In-flight bread residue test :
Not detected
(Korea Food Research Institute)
- In-flight fiber residue test :
Not detected
(Korea Testing & Research Institute)
- Fly control effect: 97.3% or more, acaricidal effect test on big-legged dust mites using an ultrasonic vaporizer
- Aircraft pillow mite acaricidal effect : 91.7% or more,
cucumber greenhouse whitefly control test results using an ultrasonic vaporizer
- Control effect: 91.7% or more
- Powdered milk powder residue test :
Not detected
- Instant rice, bacon residue test :
Not detectable
- Roasted sesame, rice, curry residue test :
Not detected