Green On will continue
to leap forward with an unchanging mind.Green On Co., Ltd. is
only immersed in technology research to prevent
infection and the environment.
Korea Invention Patent Exhibition Presidential Award
Seoul International Invention Exhibition Awards,
Gold Award, Silver Award
Confirmation of Main Biz
(Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Smart Factory Level Confirmation Letter
(Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry)
Certification of Risk Assessment
(Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency)
Confirmation of participation
in the work-life balance campaign
(Seoul Regional Employment and Labor Office)
Selection of Export Enterprise Business
for Domestic Enterprises (KOTRA)
Confirmation of Preferential Purchase Selection
of Excellent Inventions "Space Pest Sterilizer"
(Korea Intellectual Property Office)
Copyright Registration Certificate
"Integrated Operation Platform for Space Pest and Sterilizer"
(Korea Copyright Commission)
Small and Medium Environmental Enterprise Business Association Support Project (KEITI)
Certificate of designation of innovative products
"Air Purifier Sterilizer"
(Public Procurement Service)
Confirmation of Preferential Purchase Selection
of Excellent Inventions "Air Purifying Sterilizer"
(Korean Intellectual Property Office)
Designation of venture start-up innovation procurement products "Air Cleaning Sterilizer"
(Public Procurement Service)
‘Hi-Seoul’ Enterprise Designation Statement
(Seoul Business Agency)
International Intellectual Property Dispute
Response Strategy Support Project
(Korea Intellectual Property Protection Agency)
Korea Invention Patent and Trademark Office Award
Promising design innovation company
(Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
Confirmation of new export enterprise (KOTRA)
Selection of export capacity enhancement projects
for high-growth enterprises
(Ministry of SMEs and Startups)
Venture business confirmation (Renewed 2025.03.06)
Confirmation of Inoviz (Renewed 2025.09.08)
Intellectual property utilization strategy support project
(IP innovation product design)
Corporate Affiliated Research Institute
(Renewed 2021.07.21)
Patent Office support project, patent technology valuation report (Ultrasound prevention technology)
Gold Prize at Seoul International Invention Exhibition
WIPO Special Award
(UN-affiliated, Intellectual Property Organization)
Confirmation of Preferential Purchase Selection
of Excellent Inventions "Ultra Ultrasonic Disinfector"
(Korean Intellectual Property Office)
Official disinfection company for the summit
of the Nuclear Security Summit