GREENON is an integrated platform company that collects IoT-based environmental data to predict
and improve indoor environmental hygiene 365 days a year.
GREENON Co., Ltd. is a pioneering venture/Inno-Biz/Hi-Seoul certified company,
leading the way in IoT-ICT based initiatives for air quality and infection prevention,
in line with the 21st century global era of important environment and health.
Currently, our company is actively engaged in the disinfection of the cabins for Korean Air and 35 airlines that fly into Korea, including Delta Air Lines.
Building upon our exceptional technological capabilities, we strive to further develop as a company contributing to the prevention of infections introduced from overseas.
GREENON designs a healthy life for customers by offering
an integrated platform service for environment and
hygiene based on indoor environmental data,
staying ahead of the trends of the times.
With the collective dedication of all our employees,
GREENON strives to provide the best technology for
'the safety of the country and the happy life of the people'
To all our valued customers who have supported us until today,
we wish for your prosperity and happiness. Thank you.
All the staff at GREENON
Acquired over 00 certifications and holds test reports for various tests.